Monday, June 28, 2010

ElloMello! :D

Today's the first day of term 3! Feel's nothing like the first day of school at all. :p Aniwaes, the thing about first days are that you're able to find people with different new looks around you~ ^^v Hmm... For example, Sheauqin wif bangggggs!!!! Dorothea also wiff BANGS!!! LOLxzs! :D Double bangbang?! :D WAHAHAHA! Mr. M's without hair.. And eyebrows. Where did they go to? O.Ov Hahaas~ Everything was just like how it was last time. Andand! I got my new timetable! (o.o)p *Thumbs Down~* Won't emphasize. Hehehehez. Din have my breakfast today.. )': SobSobx..

POA > D&T > RECESS!! :D > MotherTongue > Math > EndOfSchool!

Today I ended school early 'cos the auntiee from the food stall poisoned me! ): Is really cannot take it until I wanna go home. Hahahs, I had a badbadbadbad day today. )': Kept vomiting and vomiting and vomiting and vomiting. I threw out everything I ate. Ewwww. It was super disgusting!!!! anyone could've knew what I ate just at one look at it. ): I thought I could not have survived today. The most embarrassing thing is that I even vomited in class. ): Then the cleaner had to clean up after me. *~* People I must thank today: LiZhen for her tissue paper. (LOL, she was sitting beside me and was panicking) Vania for her company and mineral water, Aron for his phone, HengBingBing dardar for his company, and of course, my dad for bringing me to the nearest clinic, though he complained a lot. ME IS GRATEFUL TO ALL OF YOU! ^^ ThankYouVeryMuch!! At the clinic, I got an injection on my left arm. >< The pain was tolerable at least.

Anyways, Stomach is still hurting!!! ):< Need to rest oh!!!!!

Byebye people!!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Is School Reopening Tomorrow? o.O Sobxzxs~