Friday, February 12, 2010

So much has occurred since my last update.
Are troubles really inevitable? Is it fate or what?
I guess people are more likely to make a stereotype of others and regard them as something far from what these people actually are.. Real far from who they are. It's frustrating to be judged by others based on first impression or whatsoever.. Sucks. Feels as though your life is the worst of the worst of the worstworst, totally unfair..... But it can't be helped. Today left me jaded and depressed.. I don't know why but I feel as though that the grass is much greener at the other end as far as I can see...... I feel so weak and pathetic like I don't have the strength to stand tall after falling anymore. It's not just one, but MANY problems I'm facing right now.. I need a miracle. Do you believe in miracles? /: Please... I'm not a machine, not a robot with no emotions, I'm not a genius, I'm not as smart as you'd think I'll be.. I'm not living a life of bliss, I'm having a hard life and lastly, I'm not perfect, like you are, we're both imperfect, as much as I can't expect you to understand me throughly, I can't understand the perfect way to satisfy you all. I'm sorry I'm so forgetful, I'm sorry I'm not focusing, I'm sorry I don't have all the time in the world, I'm sorry I chose this instead of that, I'm sorry I'm not reponsible enough, I'm sorry I'm so clueless to my surroundings, I'm sorry, sorry, sorry for troubling you all, sorry... sorry....... I'm not perfect. So much more to apologise to people around me..

I'm not looking forward to Chinese New Year.
I'm all alone. For the first time.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Explain this conspiracy against me

Heyheyhey! (: I guess it's time so give my blog some life.. :D
Hmmm.. : How long has it been since my last update? Approximately 26 days I suppose. :D
So far my life has been dull luh, that's why I felt that it's pointless to update. X: What to do? Right now, it's like school, school, band, school, school, school, band, band... And everyday I talk, I laugh, talk, talk, laugh, smile otherwise I'd be bored.. Moodless.. Annoyed.. Yadadadada.. And so the list goes on. YOU SEE? I IS REALLY DE BOH WEI GONG TTM ALREADY. There is nothing to blog about!!!!!!!! O: O: ):< Unless I'll be super long winded luh.. Something like.. Today I opened my eyes, blinked 3 times before getting outta bed. As I took my first step by foot of the day I then continued my second.. then third.. followed by fourth and the fifth... sixth... seventh.... _____th step and finally I reached the toilet. At the toilet, I then pulled down my pants to do my business and since I know this is none of your concern I shall stop this nonsensicle way of blogging and start blogging properly. (:


I'm not planning to go to the sec 3 camp for some personal and other reasons.. I hope my teacher would understand though.. ): I hope. Puh-leeaaaseeee, pray for me.. Thank you very much. {:
