Friday, September 10, 2010

Six Minus Two. Four.

Absolutely Kawaii ^^!


Some day I'd like to spend time alone, recapture the past and indulge myself in memories. I'd like to remember the times spent with those people who's been part of my life or even those who's come and gone. I can say, much have changed since I was in kindergarten and primary school, of course.. But even in secondary school, here and there you can see changes. Life is truly a roller coaster ride. I can't seem to remain successful for long and lucky thing I don't remain a looser down there repeating "FML" for long too. (: Life as a 15 year old is ah, somehow manageable however I think something's wrong with me. I think I have advanced sleep phase syndrome? like srsly?!@ Hahahaha, I hope not. -_- I really do sleep at 6-7 pm on school days only weekends/ non-school days are exceptional, I don't know why. Maybe I'm really a pig. Haa,

Watched Resident Evil: Afterlife with HengBingBing @ iluma today. A total freaky show with lots and lots of ZOMBIES?!?.. O.O Mmmm, awesome show. *Thumbs up* Uh-hum, NC 16 movie again. (-.-)v I've got no idea why... Violence? o.o

It's late oredy & I'm very tired. Not gonna upload photos. :p I'm sian-ed and (-.-!) of lousy Sony Erisson cables. Uploading photos is very tedious. You have to squeeze the cable to the phone as hard as you can in order to get it connected. Urgh. Not today man!!!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Ulcer on lower lip that is killing me!!!!!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Learn from yesterday,
Live for today,
Hope for tomorrow. "

Hellohelloooo!!! Today was a great day. :D I woke up, did the usual wash up and switched on the television. On the television screen, it was channel OKTO! (LOL.) :D 8am in the morning and it's showing.... SESAME STREET!! WHEEHEE! ^^v And there was cookie monster acting like elmo. :p Instead of elmo's goldfish, it was a cookie. He talked to the cookie, ate the cookie and even sang the 'COOKIE SONG'!!!!!!! :D :D :D Yadadada! heehee, ignore my lameness please. :D

Supposed to meet Mr HengBingBing @ 12 but I was late. x_x Well, he pinched my poor and sensitive nose!!!! ): DAMN ANNOYING LUH. Zzzzzzz... In fact he pinched it so many times today that at the end of the day, my nose was leaking. ): Of all things y'know? Must bully my pitiful nose.. ): Sob.. Sobxzs... Anyway, went to Tamp eat and to watch "Vampire Sucks". I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw NC16.. (I'M NOT EVEN SIXTEEN YEARS OOOOLD!) -_-!!! lawll. Went in anyway. It's a show that I've been waiting for so long!!! HOW CAN I NOT SEEE ITTTT!!!! D: My school taught me: "Perseverance yields success." And so I've been inculcated the belief of PERSEVERANCE!!! X: *clapclap*.. Anyway, it was such a comedy!! How can it be NC16?!? THERE MUST BE AN ERROR! ( I suppose. ) Bleah. After the show, walk, walked. We went to take bus 67. Missed the stop because something happened and dono where it took us but I know there were many indians in the bus..... Was really scary. Alighted at some stop that I've never been before and looked for a bus back to my home!!! Was so sleepy and hungry at that moment of time. GOsh, can die!!! And after a loooong walk, finally found what I wanted. PlahPlahPlah... TADA!!!! HOME SWEET HOME! Parents weren't at home so I had to cook for myself. )':


Update on my life:

Regarding school, well, gonna have to buck up on mathematics. Can't believe I failed English. -_- That's the consequence of being absent from school and not knowing the assignments that were handed in!!!! OMFG! I hate it when they grade you by assignments! However, it has also beneficial points. :D like.. I PASSED MY SCIENCE WITH A 62.5% LOL. NOT BAD FOR ME LEYH! There's SO MUCH IMPROVEMENT OK?! from 30+ to 60++ :D But I don't know how I'm gonna pass for my final year luh, my science sucks!!!! ): Well, I scored 68% for my CHINESE!!!! CAN'T YOU BELIEVE IT?! IT'S CHINESE!!!!!!!!! I totally OWNED my chinese class! X: HAHAHA! ALmost unbelievable. SS will be 74, History idk, POA 86, D and T 78 (owned D&T students. :p ), so on and so for. Most disappointing is my mathematics and ENGLISH!!!! -'- SCORED ONLY B4 FOR MATHS. ): It's so lousy! ): AND MY ENGLISH TOTALLY PULLED UP MY L1R4 or 5!!!! I WORK HARDER IN TERM 4!

Regarding band, it's so much funner and enjoyable than when I was in PP! Wahahahaha! I'm so happee. :D Playing Fate of the Gods and El Camino Real. :D El Camino makes my ring finger spasm. ): Urgh, real challenging indeed. Definitely will work hard cos I don't wanna play fate of the gods. Though it's a nice song, it's boring, right? x_x

Tata! Goodnight people! Enjoy your weekend!