Hello, once again, I'm back to blogging! :D
Today I woke up early in the morning and I felt that I was so sick of school. x_x Probably it's the Monday blues bah.. Gotta catch up with school work!!! Meh. I feel like my brain can burst anytime.

For the past few days, I've been busy.. Just the 1st week of school, there was the SYF opening ceremony. We were released from lessons @ 12.30 pm or 11.30 pm for most of the days. Tons of work to catch up with was the consequence. x_x Gosh. & 2nd July was our 2nd year-sary.. Pity, something happened. Owell.. (: The 2nd week was more relaxed. (: I had more time of my own of course. (: And now today's the third week. I think I may not be able to stand it anymore. I've been feeling so sick today.. My mind couldn't think straight and I was having a headache. ): Band practice was on today. Right now practices will be 3x per week cos they added in the sectionals on Monday. I think I need a break!

Mamamia~ I've finally uploaded pictures. :x I know my blog is very picture-less. (:
Byebye people~ ^^v
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