* Actual one's on the 21 Oct!
Yesterday, met my HengBingBing dardar in the afternoon. ^^ Went to bedok inter, kfc for our lunch and went back home after that to get changed and do my stuff. (: At home, Aunts and Uncles started coming over to prepare the things for the bbq while poor HengBingBing couldn't decide whether to come in so he waited downstairs. ): He waited real long oh. Kelian~ Well, when everything was ready, it's time to go to the bbq pit at my aunt's house. My aunts took HengBingBing away from me and drove him over to my grandmother's house first while I went over to the bbq pit. :p Hehez.
@the Bbq pit, it was super stuffy and warm! Made me perspire so much and ended up sticky! ): HengBingBing & my aunts came over shortly after. And we went swimming!!!!!! :D Solved the hot weather problem. (: Me, HengBingBing, me sis & lil cousin! Poor Gabriel had to sit there arnd watch us have fun. x: Charmaine's fault for not informing him about swimming!!!!

Bryan, JingYi & Aron came first, followed by Vania & Jianhao, then Haslinda!! \(Y)/ Me's really glad they turned up! (^^)v Aron & Bryan also swam! ^~^ Had lotsa fun! Ate awhile and went back swimming again. Played with sparklers, something not so awesome happened. ._. Got kaypoh people that totally spoilt the mood! :@ Totally upset luhh! )': Well, got cheered a lil and sang the birthday song! +CAKEEE!!!! <333

People ate the cake till no more. Especially HengBingBing, who kept forcing himself to eat! Not only the cake! ): I wonder if he's gained weight. ?_? He claims he can eat a lot. >< Well, it's because there were still people who's thought of to be coming didn't turn up so there were still leftovers. Owell. :D I enjoyed myself a lot! It was a successful bbq indeed. :D
Aunt Elsie sent me and HengBingBing home. (: Parents went back first. Sister went with Aunt Pris & Gabriel. ^^ Was Soooo sleepy yesterday!~~ Reached home around 12+ ThumbsUP!
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