Wahahahaaa! Another month has passed! Look how quickly time passes!!!! Soon 2010 will just pass by just like that and before you know it, 2012 will come... and that means, DOOMSDAY!!@#$%#$ Do YOU believe doomsday will ever come in 2012?! I don't. Cos I have stuff that expires in 2013. (-_-) & If I die in 2012, I'll regret going to school to study. /: It would be a waste of time. :p Anyways, today was another awesome-awesome day with HengBingBing. Meh, I srsly couldn't wake myself up early today tho. ><

Well, went to Tamp cos it's the nearest and most convenient place, for a movie. :p Wanted to catch Alpha & Omega but don't have! There was only the 7+ slot. Obviously we wouldn't wait for nuts. O.O I don't think we could spent our time in TAMPINES for 6 hours anyways, nth much there. :D So yeah, ended up watching a chinese movie.. nc16 again. LOL. Went to popeyes for lunch and went in the movie theatre. There was this advertisement of a horror movie and it successfully spooked me out to tears. D:

What I can comment on is that the movie was really full of violence. Hahahas, bused back. Day ended quickly. (: but I enjoyed my time with HengBingBing today. ^^v Did not really go out too long tho, cos the examinations are coming. Zzzz.. Went back home to read my books. First paper's on Monday - English, followed by Mother Tongue on Tuesday. Zzzz. Celebrating my birthday in advance on the 16th, which is a Saturday. And on the following Monday, there'll be my chemistry paper and my Principles of Accounts paper 2. T0T Then the EOYs will end. Is it a bad date? T-T Zzzz, bleah. No time to worry for this issue.

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