Left with no choice, I'm blogging again ! :D Hooraaaayyy, clapclap. (^U^)v .....Self-entertaining. And who left me in this state ? My mom. My idiotic mom, who left me at home with nothing to doooooooo! D': Boohoohoooooooooo..! How could she, rightright? )': HAHAHAHA!! But of course I had to get over with this and continue with my day. Basically, I lived, I breathed, and other things that you and I would always be doing, unless you're no longer alive, aaaand the sky's already dark! Awesome day isn't it? Time sure is fast. It's sad but I'm getting older every second! D: Weeellll, so are you ! ( This pleases me ) X: Haaaah.
Seems to me that the class wants Mr Liew outta the position of 202's science teacher. Well, I'm totally quiet at this issue, not that I've got no comments but, I don't want to. I'm better off with my mouth shut. (: A week at school and I really didn't learn anything new. Well, I still don't owe any assignments at least. Hah. Everything's finefinefine, but.. Not gonna elaborate. z.
Oh, and puhlease, band isn't an intimidating ground.
Take a look at yourself first.