Helloooooo small teenyweetle world !
A really normal school day today. The same gossips with the hot topic, " Mr. Liew", went on between our class and our form teacher again. Real entertainment. After a few gossiping sessions, I actually found out that my class's mindset is really the same. In short, we think alike. Well, I believe that great minds think alike ? Not only that, I also realized that our form teacher is no better than us ! >:D She's just like us, she's horrible I tell ya, but in a good way. Muahahah!! Oh, did I mention that Mr Liew did not zip his pants? X: Yes I did, HIS PANTS WERE UNZIPPED !! I'M SERIOUS!! ANDANDAND!! He DARED parade around the classroom as if it was a runway. And ohmagawd, I loved my form teacher's comments..! X:
So much for the topic of this old male science teacher who has no idea of what's actually going on. But one more thing before I move on. If it so happened to be your luuucky day, where you get him as your science teacher, GOODLUCK. (:
I'm scared of the upcoming piano exam. And yet, not that I refuse to practice or something, but my exam book is under the damned piano. T_T
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