Sometimes I really don't know what people are really thinking. Knowing and understanding consequences and yet.. Not doing the right thing. Funny. One word to describe the
TWO pairs - 'Foolish'. I don't know, I really don't know what's up with them. Regarding one of the two, the FEMALE is bugging and blaming me for her own wrongdoings, accusing me of spreading rumors about them. -.- She's blaming everyone but herself for making it so obvious herself. And when she finds out, she only gets to the surface of the sea. ONLY. She does not see the whole thing. What is her problem like seriously? -.- This is totally pissing me off. If they wanna be together why must they deny OR hide? Haha, then now SHE blames me, hilarious to the max! Tsktsk, can't stand these type of people who has guilty conscious and yet hides behind a computer screen saying things to me that she dares not say in school IN MY FACE. Sigh.. In the first place, if she was so afraid they'll get into trouble, why go steady and now say I'm "interfering into their business", "this is none of my concern", yadadadada or "people's relationships is none of your business". This situation angers me, FRUSTRATES ME. This is OF MY CONCERN as I do not want to see the CULTURE what I've been for almost 3 years to change. I feel it is NOT right for someone who's supposed to represent us.. and HER. Now she can say nothing is happening between the both of them and before that she said not to tell anyone else about it. Hahaha, what is this?! The other pair is more careful but, I don't know how much longer their secret can last.
Lesson learnt: Don't trust anybody. (:

HER FATHER ADMITTED FOR HER THAT THEY'RE IN A RELATIONSHIP!!!! Waitwaitwaitiwait, is this an insult? I'm messing her life? In what way? Hahahhas, people these days? He should really look at himself in the mirror. LOL! I don't find him a better person that me. (btw, he's just quoting this from me - COPYCAT) LOL. He doesn't understands what's going on, ONLY listens to her daughters point of view and not mine. And lol, I was just explaining myself of msn? -_- This man can't bring justice. tsktsk. Look, i've ended my conversation with HIS daughter and now WHY MUST HE START IT BACK? lol.. and then the cycle goes on and on. LOL. Don't force me.
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