It has been quite long since I last updated? Quite?
I'm spending my life with a whole new atmosphere that I have to get used to - A new home, a second home. I haven't been home since the 18th October. Frankly, I feel kinda sad.. However depressed is not gonna be written all over my face. I, am still going to live my life. I've been thinking about it for some time - To go back home or not to. I'm afraid that the same thing would happen between my... father and I if I do. The things I have now is limited, but I guess I'm happy and contented though. Sigh. At least. But I feel so lonely.. somehow..
Wellwellwell, set the unhappiness aside! (:
School's gonna be over, holidays are coming. YAYEEEE! :D ( Though I know the holidays isn't really gonna be a holiday. ) Hehehehe. Even the report books are out and I'm.... not really satisfied with my results but I'll do better next year. :D Ohohohoh! My theory exam falls on this Saturday! O.O All the best to me? Hmm? Another exam? ToTv
Piano lesson's gonna start.
Hahahahas, ciaosss. :D
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Sunday, October 18, 2009
It's currently 3 in the morning and I can't fall asleep. I've been battling, tossing and turning in bed for hours but still no triggered response of complete relaxation - My eyes are still wide opened. Urgh. And so I thought a lil' computing would do the job. Well.. Here I am once again.
I can say it's been one hell of a hectic day before today's.
It started off with my eyes glued to the computer screen thanks to the extremely idiotic blogskin which I gave up editing soon after I received a call from my aunt. I knew right away it was gonna be a beneficial day for me.
Lunch-ed > Wasted time > 2nd round of lunch > Went shopping @ Bugis.
My sis says I'm a glutton.. whatever you think. (: Anyway, I still can't believe Gabriel came over to my place to meet/speak to my mom. He say's my mom looks like a witch? It must've been scary back then? Heheh. Such a pity, my sis and gabriel didn't have lunch with us. Aw.. We even had two lunches... ): @ Mac.. Ahh. Macdonald's is making me disgusted somehow.
Shoppedshoppedshopped to burn off the extra calories and halfway through, the rest shopped without me.. Specifically.. I needed a break. Tired lurhhhhhh~ Even resting is tiring though.. X: Forgotten how things happened but I remember picking a phone for myself, without the slightest bit of being serious at all.. Poof* Back to reality : They were serious about it. And so.. I found out there was a motive behind all that goodness. Such cunning arseclowns.. They're too kind, no? Theretherethere.. I didn't had a choice at all, so yeah, I let my fingers do the running. Dang.
Dinner was so crabbified. Crabs. Crabs. Crabs. And more crabs..
I really don't know how to enjoy food, I get sick of them easily, sigh. That explains? X: But I'm a glutton for only food I crave. :D UWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!
It's 4.13AM. O:
I'm up for online gaming. >;)
I can say it's been one hell of a hectic day before today's.
It started off with my eyes glued to the computer screen thanks to the extremely idiotic blogskin which I gave up editing soon after I received a call from my aunt. I knew right away it was gonna be a beneficial day for me.
Lunch-ed > Wasted time > 2nd round of lunch > Went shopping @ Bugis.
My sis says I'm a glutton.. whatever you think. (: Anyway, I still can't believe Gabriel came over to my place to meet/speak to my mom. He say's my mom looks like a witch? It must've been scary back then? Heheh. Such a pity, my sis and gabriel didn't have lunch with us. Aw.. We even had two lunches... ): @ Mac.. Ahh. Macdonald's is making me disgusted somehow.
Shoppedshoppedshopped to burn off the extra calories and halfway through, the rest shopped without me.. Specifically.. I needed a break. Tired lurhhhhhh~ Even resting is tiring though.. X: Forgotten how things happened but I remember picking a phone for myself, without the slightest bit of being serious at all.. Poof* Back to reality : They were serious about it. And so.. I found out there was a motive behind all that goodness. Such cunning arseclowns.. They're too kind, no? Theretherethere.. I didn't had a choice at all, so yeah, I let my fingers do the running. Dang.
Dinner was so crabbified. Crabs. Crabs. Crabs. And more crabs..
I really don't know how to enjoy food, I get sick of them easily, sigh. That explains? X: But I'm a glutton for only food I crave. :D UWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!
It's 4.13AM. O:
I'm up for online gaming. >;)
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Heyheyhey! Gosh, I'm actually updating after quite a while and I think I've forgotten how to blog already... /: Uhm. Like this? :D ....Like that? :D Blah~
I've been spending time with dardar these for the past few days and each time he's with me, he forces me to eat on purpose. -.- Anyway, didn't turn up for school today because of my.. valid reason. It's totally valid. (: Meh. So stayed at home, rotting, till dar text me that he was already below my block. I actually wanted to waste his time, making him wait even longer >:D.. but my phone.. blackout. Obviously I had no choice but to go look for him. -_- But.. when I got outta my house.. I observed the numbers that indicates the storeys of the lift.. Predictable. He went up a floor higher than mine and from the staircase, I saw his head poke out.. :p
Randomly went for a movie - Cloudy with a chance of meatballs.
Hmmm.. how should I put it? Oh. I. paid. no. attention. to. it. Don't ask me why. O:
Yadadadada. Ate. Drank. Bused to my.. life-saving destination to get my precious slip of paper.. :D Bused back to my place and my sister wasn't home! ): Had piano lessons and dardar left. Blahblahblah, after it ended, that's how I got here, blogging. Had a great day afterall. :D
Dar, I updated okay? I love youuuu!!!! ♥♥♥
Goodbye! The end.
I've been spending time with dardar these for the past few days and each time he's with me, he forces me to eat on purpose. -.- Anyway, didn't turn up for school today because of my.. valid reason. It's totally valid. (: Meh. So stayed at home, rotting, till dar text me that he was already below my block. I actually wanted to waste his time, making him wait even longer >:D.. but my phone.. blackout. Obviously I had no choice but to go look for him. -_- But.. when I got outta my house.. I observed the numbers that indicates the storeys of the lift.. Predictable. He went up a floor higher than mine and from the staircase, I saw his head poke out.. :p
Randomly went for a movie - Cloudy with a chance of meatballs.
Hmmm.. how should I put it? Oh. I. paid. no. attention. to. it. Don't ask me why. O:
Yadadadada. Ate. Drank. Bused to my.. life-saving destination to get my precious slip of paper.. :D Bused back to my place and my sister wasn't home! ): Had piano lessons and dardar left. Blahblahblah, after it ended, that's how I got here, blogging. Had a great day afterall. :D
Dar, I updated okay? I love youuuu!!!! ♥♥♥
Goodbye! The end.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
This issue is confusing me to the utmost.
I don't even know how should I feel. Or probably it's just because I'm just running away from the fact that I'm disappointed, and disappointed. Am I supposed mad? or maybe, glad that I've finally discovered the ugly truth which I wasn't supposed to see? Should I or shouldn't be understanding of this matter? I'm so... clueless ; I don't know. I don't know how.. & it's bothering me a whole lot.
Friends. I've always thought that I shouldn't trust any of them and they proved me right. I really shouldn't. It isn't because they're liars or something worse. It's merely just because they have a mind on their own too, sometimes, they just have to tell white lies.. which hurts and hurts even more when they apologize. Apologizing won't make me feel any better but worse. In fact, I've got to thank them for the choice they've made though it's been rather a lil' too much to bear - You won't understand, you'll never understand. It may have been treated like no big of a deal but to me, it does. My closest should know how much I hate it and how much I'm against that stinky filthy piece of dirty, disgusting, moneyflying, waste of resources and AGEING piece of white stick. I only know that when I get my hands on it, I'll find a scissors to snip out all of the filth in the stick. Ew. It's like indirectly putting those brownish lil' pieces of dirt into your mouth. ...Idiots.
Late for school today, thanks to breakfast.
Best part of the day was during Miss gohlayna's extra lessons. This indian girl from 211 joined us and I swear that she has a unique and extremely funny laughter. First it started from a group then another.. and another.. and soon the whoooole class started laughing, TOGETHER, whenever that girl laughs. Hahahaha. I could die by laughing like that continuously in class just now. Our throats hurt a lot while laughing, there were even some that cried just by laughing. Well, did managed to cheer me a whole lot, but not for long..
Anyway, stalkerish or not, but,
I'm watching you.
I don't even know how should I feel. Or probably it's just because I'm just running away from the fact that I'm disappointed, and disappointed. Am I supposed mad? or maybe, glad that I've finally discovered the ugly truth which I wasn't supposed to see? Should I or shouldn't be understanding of this matter? I'm so... clueless ; I don't know. I don't know how.. & it's bothering me a whole lot.
Friends. I've always thought that I shouldn't trust any of them and they proved me right. I really shouldn't. It isn't because they're liars or something worse. It's merely just because they have a mind on their own too, sometimes, they just have to tell white lies.. which hurts and hurts even more when they apologize. Apologizing won't make me feel any better but worse. In fact, I've got to thank them for the choice they've made though it's been rather a lil' too much to bear - You won't understand, you'll never understand. It may have been treated like no big of a deal but to me, it does. My closest should know how much I hate it and how much I'm against that stinky filthy piece of dirty, disgusting, moneyflying, waste of resources and AGEING piece of white stick. I only know that when I get my hands on it, I'll find a scissors to snip out all of the filth in the stick. Ew. It's like indirectly putting those brownish lil' pieces of dirt into your mouth. ...Idiots.
Late for school today, thanks to breakfast.
Best part of the day was during Miss gohlayna's extra lessons. This indian girl from 211 joined us and I swear that she has a unique and extremely funny laughter. First it started from a group then another.. and another.. and soon the whoooole class started laughing, TOGETHER, whenever that girl laughs. Hahahaha. I could die by laughing like that continuously in class just now. Our throats hurt a lot while laughing, there were even some that cried just by laughing. Well, did managed to cheer me a whole lot, but not for long..
Anyway, stalkerish or not, but,
I'm watching you.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
' No biggie '.
Another ranting post.
I survived the day. Oh-wow, lucky me..!
Tsk. My appetite's deteriorating. Recently, I've been answering them ' No, I'm not hungry' and I don't see why they have to make a big fuss over it. The least they could've done is to leave me alone and stop bugging me like as if I don't need my own private space. Over and over again, I've been repeating and screaming out loud the same words and and in an understood language like some fool that's not being heard at all that, ONE, I've got no mood, TWO, I've got a bloody big and painful ulcer that refuses to heal itself, THREE, I'm tired. It's clear enough, no?
School's been annoyingly draggy. It seems like I'm being seen through by the rest. It's hard to force it out now that it pains me even just by doing so. The concerned. Even so, I won't tell, I can't tell. Never would you understand. No, never would I trust. I'll make you convinced. Believing it as though it's all real, as if I live through my days like I've never cared and I've lived by, 'no biggie'.
They question me. Why? Why're you doing this? It's simple. I don't wanna be afraid of loosing anymore. I don't wanna cry on the outside anymore. I don't want others to worry about me..... just like how OTHERS are afraid that I would worry about them. BUT, WON'T IT HURT THE PEOPLE AROUND YOU WHO CARES? WON'T IT HURT THEM EVEN MORE WHEN THEY FIND OUT? HAVE YOU GIVEN IT A BLOODY THOUGHT? SELFISH PERSON? HUH?! HAVE YOU?
Shut up. It's disappointing when everyone else knows everything when you don't.
Who am I anyway? All the while, IT'S ALWAAAAYS BEEN :
Your life > YOUR CHOICE.
I survived the day. Oh-wow, lucky me..!
Tsk. My appetite's deteriorating. Recently, I've been answering them ' No, I'm not hungry' and I don't see why they have to make a big fuss over it. The least they could've done is to leave me alone and stop bugging me like as if I don't need my own private space. Over and over again, I've been repeating and screaming out loud the same words and and in an understood language like some fool that's not being heard at all that, ONE, I've got no mood, TWO, I've got a bloody big and painful ulcer that refuses to heal itself, THREE, I'm tired. It's clear enough, no?
School's been annoyingly draggy. It seems like I'm being seen through by the rest. It's hard to force it out now that it pains me even just by doing so. The concerned. Even so, I won't tell, I can't tell. Never would you understand. No, never would I trust. I'll make you convinced. Believing it as though it's all real, as if I live through my days like I've never cared and I've lived by, 'no biggie'.
They question me. Why? Why're you doing this? It's simple. I don't wanna be afraid of loosing anymore. I don't wanna cry on the outside anymore. I don't want others to worry about me..... just like how OTHERS are afraid that I would worry about them. BUT, WON'T IT HURT THE PEOPLE AROUND YOU WHO CARES? WON'T IT HURT THEM EVEN MORE WHEN THEY FIND OUT? HAVE YOU GIVEN IT A BLOODY THOUGHT? SELFISH PERSON? HUH?! HAVE YOU?
Shut up. It's disappointing when everyone else knows everything when you don't.
Who am I anyway? All the while, IT'S ALWAAAAYS BEEN :
Your life > YOUR CHOICE.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Lantern festival? (:

Woke up and had second thoughts about going to Miss Gohlayna's class. It really took me a long time to decide and in the end, I went. It was supposed to be at 10.30 but it was delayed till 11. Cabbed down and it was already more than 11 but still lessons haven't even started. Yawn. So time was delayed even more. Sheesh, now that I think of it, why did I even have the patience to wait?.. dellidelly~ Nearly lost my ugly however, very precious phone while waiting.
Lessons started. Had a test. Forgot my calculator. It's annoying to forget things.. It eventually ended and went to inter to find Jacq. Eateateat. Jianhao came after a long, long time.

Bored. bored. bored. Somehow, it ended up that we took a bus to... my place? No way! So decided to plan for the night and wanted to ask people along. And Jianhao did ALL the talking.

I guess he took a long time to talk on the phone, just to ask people out.. Since, we're already outta the bus? And he's still talking on the phone? o.o Well, in the end, it was just the three of us that "played" with fire. We slacked under my block and it's freaking no life! Moved on to the playground...

I remember that Jianhao climbed on top of the monkey bar and he couldn't find a way to come down... Poor thing. 3 of us were deaaaad bored.. So we walked over to ubi and bought our necessities. Bused to chaichee after that.
At chaichee > played with candles. Boooringg. Sky wasn't dark enough yet. x-x ... Vandalism.. X:

After this was the better part of the day when the sky's dark. Owell.. SPARKLERS!! <3 I'M SO CHILDISHLY IN LOVE WITH THEM! Had dinner after that.
Part 2 of fun :
Woke up and had second thoughts about going to Miss Gohlayna's class. It really took me a long time to decide and in the end, I went. It was supposed to be at 10.30 but it was delayed till 11. Cabbed down and it was already more than 11 but still lessons haven't even started. Yawn. So time was delayed even more. Sheesh, now that I think of it, why did I even have the patience to wait?.. dellidelly~ Nearly lost my ugly however, very precious phone while waiting.
Lessons started. Had a test. Forgot my calculator. It's annoying to forget things.. It eventually ended and went to inter to find Jacq. Eateateat. Jianhao came after a long, long time.
Bored. bored. bored. Somehow, it ended up that we took a bus to... my place? No way! So decided to plan for the night and wanted to ask people along. And Jianhao did ALL the talking.
I guess he took a long time to talk on the phone, just to ask people out.. Since, we're already outta the bus? And he's still talking on the phone? o.o Well, in the end, it was just the three of us that "played" with fire. We slacked under my block and it's freaking no life! Moved on to the playground...

I remember that Jianhao climbed on top of the monkey bar and he couldn't find a way to come down... Poor thing. 3 of us were deaaaad bored.. So we walked over to ubi and bought our necessities. Bused to chaichee after that.

At chaichee > played with candles. Boooringg. Sky wasn't dark enough yet. x-x ... Vandalism.. X:

Part 2 of fun :
Finally, DONE! Last time I saw something like this , it was sparklers, now, CANDLES! ^^v
UWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Photo taking sessions! (: Jianhao looks.. E.M.O? O-O
Uhhh. It's been funfunFUN. Especially when we mass burnt the leftover sparkles, sooo exciting. =D I'm so glad today, I achieved what I wanted to see - Burning a lighter. Nothing else, but that's all that made my day today, just because I managed to SEE a lighter exploding in front of me. That's my motive for today in the first place. :p
Look. The flooring's horribly burnt with wax all over. :o :x
Anyway, uploading pictures are sickening.
Jianhao and Jacq, rip all you want. Sorry if I didn't post all. I'm tired. T_T
Every single time, my personality stands up and interferes...
Friday, October 2, 2009
Oh yes, I found out yesterday that :
Behind computer screen so zai worh! Hahahahahahahaaa!! In maple ask disiao people, ask people come find him with fake addy, fake hp number, and fake country!!! But very entertaining. ^^ Especially when he ask girls and boys for stead. X: HAHAHA! Just because he was too bored and too free. Tsktsktsk.Bryan Er Wen Jie is A KEYBOARD WARRIOR!
Happy 2nd 3rd monthsary! <33
It's freaking, constantly, spoiling my mood the whole time!! F**K!!!!!!
Woke up after my super long hours of.. supposingly, 'nap'.. Still late for school though cos I was amazingly still tired. MTL Paper 1 was horrible. I had to take a deep breathe and start writing again after every sentence. IT WAS BLOODYDAMNED LIKE PRIMARY SCHOOL MANDARIN!!! I forgotten my electronic dictionary. Sigh~ ): The ugly squared paper was like, infested with my disgusting cursive handwriting.. What to do? Frustrated whattt..
Break > Paper 2.
The break did me some good afterall.
Did preparations for the exam. Paper done effortlessly, I managed to do as planned despite the chinese dept changing the format for writing the answers down. Numbers and chinese wordings merely differs. However, if there's a will, there's always another way. Regardless the great number of distinct changes, I'll find a way through. (: UWAHHAHHAHAAHAHAAAA!

Exams ended around 12 and I was already exhausted and feeling grumpy by then. I hope I wasn't too much? Anyway, FYI, Raimov willingly POSED for that weird and stupid look for me to get his picture taken, so yeah, it's here on this blog. No comments. Time wasted that. Day ended.
Previously, Mr Er retook his music practical exam, playing on my own on his own, with the company of his horn which he kissed and stick his hand in it's ass while playing. He wasn't, at all, grateful to us audiences/video`photographers though.. ): Sad.

He screwed up for the first attempt? Because of our appearance? Because he shyshy? Nononono.. it must be because he was playing and monkey-ing around in the music room the day before when he was supposed to be practicing. Evidence clearly shown right above this paragraph. (: There're supposed to be more unglams of this big old cow but he deleted it! I swear on that day in the music room was totally FUN, CHAOTIC, AND MORE OF FUN!! :D Can't forget it when they played musical chairs with me as their 'dj', HAHAHAHA.. They really look like idiots when they desperately rush for the seats to win the game, and when they do, they fall off the seats due to clumziness. Haslinda still has the video of them? :D :D
Yesterday: At mac. Time wasted~
*Groans, gohlayna's 2 hours lessons from 10.30 tomorrow.
It's freaking, constantly, spoiling my mood the whole time!! F**K!!!!!!
Woke up after my super long hours of.. supposingly, 'nap'.. Still late for school though cos I was amazingly still tired. MTL Paper 1 was horrible. I had to take a deep breathe and start writing again after every sentence. IT WAS BLOODYDAMNED LIKE PRIMARY SCHOOL MANDARIN!!! I forgotten my electronic dictionary. Sigh~ ): The ugly squared paper was like, infested with my disgusting cursive handwriting.. What to do? Frustrated whattt..
Break > Paper 2.
The break did me some good afterall.
Did preparations for the exam. Paper done effortlessly, I managed to do as planned despite the chinese dept changing the format for writing the answers down. Numbers and chinese wordings merely differs. However, if there's a will, there's always another way. Regardless the great number of distinct changes, I'll find a way through. (: UWAHHAHHAHAAHAHAAAA!
Exams ended around 12 and I was already exhausted and feeling grumpy by then. I hope I wasn't too much? Anyway, FYI, Raimov willingly POSED for that weird and stupid look for me to get his picture taken, so yeah, it's here on this blog. No comments. Time wasted that. Day ended.

He screwed up for the first attempt? Because of our appearance? Because he shyshy? Nononono.. it must be because he was playing and monkey-ing around in the music room the day before when he was supposed to be practicing. Evidence clearly shown right above this paragraph. (: There're supposed to be more unglams of this big old cow but he deleted it! I swear on that day in the music room was totally FUN, CHAOTIC, AND MORE OF FUN!! :D Can't forget it when they played musical chairs with me as their 'dj', HAHAHAHA.. They really look like idiots when they desperately rush for the seats to win the game, and when they do, they fall off the seats due to clumziness. Haslinda still has the video of them? :D :D

*Groans, gohlayna's 2 hours lessons from 10.30 tomorrow.
Your tags, my reply:
passeringbyyy: you're nothing without your friends. -.- 2 Oct 09, 18:20passeringbyyy: you think we all don't know that you arejingyithe dog her self? you think you SASA big FCUK 1 Oct 09, 23:46.: say her go infront her say only, spam here like dog, ccb. 1 Oct 09, 23:45.: eh, talk properly la hor, say she ugly? she clip up hair & happen to wear specs that day only, dare 29 Sep 09, 23:04your mum: haha. i agree tt she looks lyk a doggie. so ugly. wat's she's trying to act lyk? 29 Sep 09, 21:55jianhao: HAHA! LOL! ROFL! LMAO! BWG...... 29 Sep 09, 21:53Bryannnnnn.: LOL! wah, so many comments. but hor, she chio leh. "CHIO". :) 29 Sep 09, 19:011111: .lolss....i agree w/ passeringbying!!!!!! :) 29 Sep 09, 18:49passeringbying: she damn ugly sia! i agree that for dog see. BUT WHO KNOWS? SHE"S THE DOG!!! WAHAHAHAHAH!!! WOOFWOOF 29 Sep 09, 18:48passeringbying: LOL!!! who is that dumb ass shlt girl at the bottom?! 29 Sep 09, 17:35linda: hahaha. one great post =X . nice PHOTOS.
-.- <- replied!
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