This issue is confusing me to the utmost.
I don't even know how should I feel. Or probably it's just because I'm just running away from the fact that I'm disappointed, and disappointed. Am I supposed mad? or maybe, glad that I've finally discovered the ugly truth which I wasn't supposed to see? Should I or shouldn't be understanding of this matter? I'm so... clueless ; I don't know. I don't know how.. & it's bothering me a whole lot.
Friends. I've always thought that I shouldn't trust any of them and they proved me right. I really shouldn't. It isn't because they're liars or something worse. It's merely just because they have a mind on their own too, sometimes, they just have to tell white lies.. which hurts and hurts even more when they apologize. Apologizing won't make me feel any better but worse. In fact, I've got to thank them for the choice they've made though it's been rather a lil' too much to bear - You won't understand, you'll never understand. It may have been treated like no big of a deal but to me, it does. My closest should know how much I hate it and how much I'm against that stinky filthy piece of dirty, disgusting, moneyflying, waste of resources and AGEING piece of white stick. I only know that when I get my hands on it, I'll find a scissors to snip out all of the filth in the stick. Ew. It's like indirectly putting those brownish lil' pieces of dirt into your mouth. ...Idiots.
Late for school today, thanks to breakfast.
Best part of the day was during Miss gohlayna's extra lessons. This indian girl from 211 joined us and I swear that she has a unique and extremely funny laughter. First it started from a group then another.. and another.. and soon the whoooole class started laughing, TOGETHER, whenever that girl laughs. Hahahaha. I could die by laughing like that continuously in class just now. Our throats hurt a lot while laughing, there were even some that cried just by laughing. Well, did managed to cheer me a whole lot, but not for long..
Anyway, stalkerish or not, but,
I'm watching you.
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