Sunday, August 16, 2009

* J-E-A-L-O-U-S-Y.

I know, I understand, I experienced, life is so unfair!!!!
Most people out there in the North, South, West are spending their life in paradise, in the lap of luxury. While, this screwed........ East side of Singapore, IS SO BLOODY FXCKING SCREWED THAT I'M FXCKING ENVIOUS OF THE NORTH!!!!! AND THE SOUTH!!!!! AND THE WEST!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hmph. ):<

Look at the other schools! I mean, LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOK, WITH YOUR EYES!!! The facilities! The environment! We're just peanuts, the small, teeeenyweeny ones. One example, other's have lifts, we have? Staircases? Lotsandlotsofthem. But in fact, they've got more, their school's much bigger, that's of course. Tsktsk. Argh. I'm actually comparing to ACSI, where those rich bastards go to. Well, basically, I went to their concert, and toured the school, not everywhere, but I already amazed. The band, it was more like a cohort of elites. AWESOMENESS!!!.. They practically have all the musical instruments that existed in a band, they've a total band strength of 92, w/o the junior band, they're a concert band and yet... PYMB, a marching band is, SMALLER? -_-.. z. Oh! and I really have to say this, THE HARP IS BEAUTIFUL, haha.

Their junior band doesn't differ much from the main band, and considering the fact that they're secondary ones, THEY'RE GOOOD, REAL GOOD. Awww.. the shame.. (-.-)-'- ... They played a song called Godzilla eats Las Vegas, it was damn creative luh. Godzilla actually appeared. Hahahahaha. The band was screaming, yes, the high pitched scream. ( takes a deep breathe, -.- ) To give the " very scary " effect I suppose. ( They effing didn't have to....-'- ) Literally, it was more like a comedy, 'cos Godzilla was more funny than scary. I like :D ( But not the screaming. ) It started stumbling in a goofy manner, trampling on the fake buildings.. and not to mention, the poor toy bear, kicking and tossing stuff around, AND THERE! The audience went high. Hahahahha, definitely a concert worth watching. Yes, this goes more to Jacqueline.... Happy Kennel...... ( heh ) Or.. Him. Uwahahahahahahaha ~

Ohmy, it's 3.03 AM.. Uhm. How long did I take to blog....?
Z~ MSN convs. are in my way. Appearing offline's still better somehow.

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