EOY examinations starts tomorrow.
So. That means. The exam-mode resumes once more... (:
I feel really uneasy for various reasons somehow..
The feeling that's like you wanna laugh out loud reallyreally hard and at the same time, you feel like crying. If you don't get it, then don't bother. Anyway, I guess I prefer ranting everything out in my mind, alone. It's complicating and complicated that I don't understand it myself.
Goodnight. Best of luck.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Hi! School started out pretty peacefully for me until Miss Huda... uhm, set her eyes on me...?!!! :D :D Wellwell, it all started a few months ago where I got into a conflict with aye preeefecttt name vye.. ( liddat spell one arh? -.-v ). All because of ME..! X:
Anyway, I diedieDIE don't wanna clear my plates/utensils/cups/bottles in the canteen after eating during recess or whatsoever. The prefects has been doing their best to stop me alllll the time but my reply was always ' don't care' .... so deardoggiegoodiegoodshoes vye had to stand up for her deardoggiegoodiegoodshoes friends. Awww, such true friendshipppp~ Right. She and that phillipino came right to up to us.. WITH HANDS ON DA HIPS, (SO SCARYYY~ BOOHOO~ )':) UWAHAHAHHAHHA !! >:D Hahahahaha, I can't remember after that. But I remember that they nag me~ )': Den I very scared of themmmm!!! so I ..cry like that --> >:'D ... X': !!! After that I go find her in her class then.. too ashamed to say~ shyyyy~ ^^v
)': Aiyoooos, people not happy with me leyhs! Go complain to HUDAAAA!!! UWAAAAHHH!! HUUUUDAAAAA LEHHHH! Den Huda wanna come find me everyday in class but I run away. I very scared that's why! :'( One fine day, where the sun was waaayyy upppp high, she finally catch me. Oh? we were playing hideandseek and it was really fun! ^^ I wanna play again worhhh! \(^0^)/ Den she ask vye come also loh. So many people!! I shy~ Heeheehee! Liddat Huda talktalk, den she annouced that the conflict officially ended? Hahahahaha!
Shhh! Don't tell her! But at that moment, I was having deep and dark thoughts, something that says, IT'S NOT OVER, MUAHAHHAHA!! X: So I nodded my head to whatever she said and TADA, finally I could go back to my class to sit on my chair. Phewww~ HEH HEH HEH...... OVER? OVER MY FOOT!
Just last week after my pe, I bought and brought sweet drinks outta the canteen and saw a teacher who always catches us every week..... RUNNNNNNN!~ Up to the nearest staircase ^^ Woahwoah, sec 1 prefects has gooooood training worh! Run up the staircase with me worh! but couldn't catch me, so sad for her, )': So she shouted something like " NO SWEET DRINKS ALLOWED OUTSIDE THE CANTEEN! " She got her reply, " I DON'T CARE~ ". By the way, now got aaaa loootttt of prefects le and it's incredibly bothering. -_- I feel lots of eyes staring at our group during our recess break. T_T Annoying luh.
These days, my usual recess group and I have been doing as planned : Running off to another table with our belongings, which is clean, leave our plates, etc on the 'used' table and chitchat there, or else, we run off to class. X: Wellwell, it only worked for awhile and our names were written down.. (inserts zee four letter word, beginning with the letter 'F' ). Huda found out and looked for us. Got a few from the group never kena, YOU LUCKY ONLY! ):< Today cannot leave the canteen with the usual dirty table with beansprouts all around, cos I take them out before I eat.. And everything must be cleared. Hahaha, I STILL WON'T CLEAR MY PLATES! I DIE ALSO WON'T!! MUAHAHHAHAHA! Today I see one worker clearing the plates, and without finishing my food I gave him my plate! ^^ CLAPCLAP! WORK DONE !!! I'm such a despo. Uhuhuhuhu~ X: The usual table we always dirty is so clean today, *sniffs* I'm so proud of you guys~ :'D I'd like to repeat this again, I can't stand myself.. hohoho.
I guai lan? noooo... nonono! a bit a bit only luh! ^~^
Anyway, I diedieDIE don't wanna clear my plates/utensils/cups/bottles in the canteen after eating during recess or whatsoever. The prefects has been doing their best to stop me alllll the time but my reply was always ' don't care' .... so deardoggiegoodiegoodshoes vye had to stand up for her deardoggiegoodiegoodshoes friends. Awww, such true friendshipppp~ Right. She and that phillipino came right to up to us.. WITH HANDS ON DA HIPS, (SO SCARYYY~ BOOHOO~ )':) UWAHAHAHHAHHA !! >:D Hahahahaha, I can't remember after that. But I remember that they nag me~ )': Den I very scared of themmmm!!! so I ..cry like that --> >:'D ... X': !!! After that I go find her in her class then.. too ashamed to say~ shyyyy~ ^^v
)': Aiyoooos, people not happy with me leyhs! Go complain to HUDAAAA!!! UWAAAAHHH!! HUUUUDAAAAA LEHHHH! Den Huda wanna come find me everyday in class but I run away. I very scared that's why! :'( One fine day, where the sun was waaayyy upppp high, she finally catch me. Oh? we were playing hideandseek and it was really fun! ^^ I wanna play again worhhh! \(^0^)/ Den she ask vye come also loh. So many people!! I shy~ Heeheehee! Liddat Huda talktalk, den she annouced that the conflict officially ended? Hahahahaha!
Shhh! Don't tell her! But at that moment, I was having deep and dark thoughts, something that says, IT'S NOT OVER, MUAHAHHAHA!! X: So I nodded my head to whatever she said and TADA, finally I could go back to my class to sit on my chair. Phewww~ HEH HEH HEH...... OVER? OVER MY FOOT!
Just last week after my pe, I bought and brought sweet drinks outta the canteen and saw a teacher who always catches us every week..... RUNNNNNNN!~ Up to the nearest staircase ^^ Woahwoah, sec 1 prefects has gooooood training worh! Run up the staircase with me worh! but couldn't catch me, so sad for her, )': So she shouted something like " NO SWEET DRINKS ALLOWED OUTSIDE THE CANTEEN! " She got her reply, " I DON'T CARE~ ". By the way, now got aaaa loootttt of prefects le and it's incredibly bothering. -_- I feel lots of eyes staring at our group during our recess break. T_T Annoying luh.
These days, my usual recess group and I have been doing as planned : Running off to another table with our belongings, which is clean, leave our plates, etc on the 'used' table and chitchat there, or else, we run off to class. X: Wellwell, it only worked for awhile and our names were written down.. (inserts zee four letter word, beginning with the letter 'F' ). Huda found out and looked for us. Got a few from the group never kena, YOU LUCKY ONLY! ):< Today cannot leave the canteen with the usual dirty table with beansprouts all around, cos I take them out before I eat.. And everything must be cleared. Hahaha, I STILL WON'T CLEAR MY PLATES! I DIE ALSO WON'T!! MUAHAHHAHAHA! Today I see one worker clearing the plates, and without finishing my food I gave him my plate! ^^ CLAPCLAP! WORK DONE !!! I'm such a despo. Uhuhuhuhu~ X: The usual table we always dirty is so clean today, *sniffs* I'm so proud of you guys~ :'D I'd like to repeat this again, I can't stand myself.. hohoho.
I guai lan? noooo... nonono! a bit a bit only luh! ^~^

Oh-wow, my taste's very.. 'AWESOME' eh? Ooops~ I din say anythinggg...~ (:
Saturday, September 26, 2009
3rd post of the day!
5 more days left till the Final year examinations. I'M SO NERVOUS. I'M SO EXCITED. I'M SO NERVOUS. I'M SO EXCITED. I'M SO NERVOUS. I'M SO EXCITED. I'M SO NERVOUS. I'M SO EXCITED. I'M SO NERVOUS. I'M SO EXCITED. I'M SO NERVOUS. I'M SO EXCITED. I'M SO NERVOUS. I'M SO EXCITED. So. What exactly am I feeling? Feeling lost, with no direction, that's it! I don't even know what my subjects interests me.. *~* The truth is : I can be bothered, I'm always going with the flow. In the end, I still have to make a choice. Rraahhh! ):<
^.^ I'm so glad my tummy's finally full! This proves : I'm not a lazy bum ohkay! I moved! :DD Ooops~ I broke something just now. (8 I'm so not guilty - it was already a lil broken! ):<dog Charmaine. ^^ <3 :D UWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Left to right : "MiniMiniMe" , "MiniMe" & "Me".
Pfftt. Inside joke for the picture above.
5 more days left till the Final year examinations. I'M SO NERVOUS. I'M SO EXCITED. I'M SO NERVOUS. I'M SO EXCITED. I'M SO NERVOUS. I'M SO EXCITED. I'M SO NERVOUS. I'M SO EXCITED. I'M SO NERVOUS. I'M SO EXCITED. I'M SO NERVOUS. I'M SO EXCITED. I'M SO NERVOUS. I'M SO EXCITED. So. What exactly am I feeling? Feeling lost, with no direction, that's it! I don't even know what my subjects interests me.. *~* The truth is : I can be bothered, I'm always going with the flow. In the end, I still have to make a choice. Rraahhh! ):<
^.^ I'm so glad my tummy's finally full! This proves : I'm not a lazy bum ohkay! I moved! :DD Ooops~ I broke something just now. (8 I'm so not guilty - it was already a lil broken! ):<
Pfftt. Inside joke for the picture above.
Hello again ! =D
I feel much better. ^^ X: ... Tell me you didn't see my previous post okay? :D
I'm still hungry though. I don't know how to cook and I'm lazy to buy food. WELLLLL, I'd rather starve to death then to go out to eat.. Wait.. I think I can't stand it anymore. JUNK FOOD DOESN'T MAKE ME FULL!!!! ): mmmm.. *Thinking of fooooooooooooood*.. x-x I've been waiting for my parents to come back home from morning till now. I'm lazy to reach out to the phone. Laziness kills, no? vT_Tv ..... >:O I WON'T DIE SO EASILY! FOR MY NAME IS..... -.- FORGET IT! I SHALL BE PATIENT AND I'LL CONTINUE WAITING! .. and waiting... -.- and waiting...
Where's my doggie'sis? ): She hasn't come home yet. D': .. oh where oh where has my lil dog gone? oh where oh where can it beeee? REALLY! YOU SHOULDN'T CONTINUE READING THIS POST! BECAUSE I'M POSTING AND TYPING WHATEVER THAT'S IN MY MIND - cos I'm boooreddd. wheeheeheeeee~ x.x o-o ^^ :D :D ..... =D <- kawaii... X: .... \(^U^)/ Ulahlah ulahlah ula ula leh.. ulah ulah ulah ulah ulah leh.. ulahlah ulahlah ulah ulah leh ulah ulah ulah lehhhhh~ She still isn't back! ):< on my ownnnnn~ x-x That's song so drama and mushy. Awww.. So touching... -_- meh~ Shall go to vania's blog now to listen to that song on youtube now! Wheeeeeee~ Something to dooooooooooooo. ^^
I feel much better. ^^ X: ... Tell me you didn't see my previous post okay? :D
I'm still hungry though. I don't know how to cook and I'm lazy to buy food. WELLLLL, I'd rather starve to death then to go out to eat.. Wait.. I think I can't stand it anymore. JUNK FOOD DOESN'T MAKE ME FULL!!!! ): mmmm.. *Thinking of fooooooooooooood*.. x-x I've been waiting for my parents to come back home from morning till now. I'm lazy to reach out to the phone. Laziness kills, no? vT_Tv ..... >:O I WON'T DIE SO EASILY! FOR MY NAME IS..... -.- FORGET IT! I SHALL BE PATIENT AND I'LL CONTINUE WAITING! .. and waiting... -.- and waiting...
Where's my doggie'sis? ): She hasn't come home yet. D': .. oh where oh where has my lil dog gone? oh where oh where can it beeee? REALLY! YOU SHOULDN'T CONTINUE READING THIS POST! BECAUSE I'M POSTING AND TYPING WHATEVER THAT'S IN MY MIND - cos I'm boooreddd. wheeheeheeeee~ x.x o-o ^^ :D :D ..... =D <- kawaii... X: .... \(^U^)/ Ulahlah ulahlah ula ula leh.. ulah ulah ulah ulah ulah leh.. ulahlah ulahlah ulah ulah leh ulah ulah ulah lehhhhh~ She still isn't back! ):< on my ownnnnn~ x-x That's song so drama and mushy. Awww.. So touching... -_- meh~ Shall go to vania's blog now to listen to that song on youtube now! Wheeeeeee~ Something to dooooooooooooo. ^^
Friday, September 25, 2009
Twist & turn.
This one's case is that he thinks yellow is pink, purple is yellow, green is blue and pink is orange.. (:
The time today's really quick to me. English > MTL > Recess > Music > English again > D&T. It all ended nicely and happily at 12.30pm. Note to self : This is a rare opportunity for a Friday - I suppose you should know why. (8
Sucks, sucks, sucks to stare blankly at a test paper. MTL class test today. I was having a mass hair loss during the paper, I've got no idea why. x_x Anyway, to save myself from that situation I was stucked in, which I know it myself very well I was gonna be in anyway, I desperately and luckily prepared myself and a number of lifesavers before the test already.. Heh.. heh.. heh.. >:D Not gonna share! X: Tsk. That horrible voice of Jingyi's still ringing in my head when she sang fire burning. Urgh, I don't need 911.. (-.-)-'-
2nd test of the day.. No, it was an exam. And that's the music exam. Aaaah, I prayed hard I wasn't the first to perform but I've got no god no listen to my prayers. x( DOROTHEA DIDN'T COME TO SCHOOL! D': What I wishing for "soooooooooooooo muuuuch" came true! ^-^ And I'm happy. Not. And I remember going to the front of the class, walking up to piano and in the mean time looking back at the " audiences". That hypocritical concert etiquette style displayed by my class annoys me, I mean.. " WHATCHA STARIN' AT? " , " STOP LOOKING AT ME! " Well, managed to over and on with the stress the "audiences" have given me just by staring. And proceeded with that lil'peanut song. Well, at least it was funfunFUN to watch others perform.
Best entertainer - BYRON. Oh? Did I mention that he was playing a clarinet with his eyes... CLOSED?!? Oh! yes I did! It's uber retarded luhhhh. Hahahaha, he could memorise the starting part but it was a pity that he totally screwed up after that. ): *byron so cute.* I'm sure Amirul would say that if he's there to watch, HAHAHAHA! Anyway, another entertainment from Chinnapad. As he was playing the piece on the piano, he's face was turning.. redder.. and.. REDDER.. like a tomato. AHAAHA~ His fingers kept on slipping off to other keys, producing wrong notes and finally he said " AAAAAHH! " - he gave up hafway. *Class filled with laughter* LOLOLOL!!! \(^0^)/ ...Reminds me of the past.
Computer restriction. Napping restriction. Television restriction. JUST BECAUSE MY MOM WANTS ME TO EAT MY DINNER AT THE RIGHT TIME. !@#(& * Groans* Well, back to the more human way of life.
I'm gonna take a break tomorrow. ^^
G'night people! Jolly day ahead.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
She didn't recognise me. SHE DID NOT RECOGNIZE ME AT ALL. She gave me that creepy look as though I was a total stranger to her and didn't take a second glance back. Damn. Either way, I think I haven't changed much.. it must be that she needs more time to refresh her memory, right? o_o I'm still me afterall. It's been interesting to change my own schedule - Coming home right after school. I see new faces and best still, each time I see my primary school mates too! Like at least 3 of them per time! :D... :( But no one recognises me. Zzz. Fly! Go die! :B Hmmmph. ): Eh?.. OHOH! WAIT! YESTERDAY I SAW MENDEL AND ONLY HE RECOGNISED ME! v^0^v .. Aaaahhh, forget it, afterall, it doesn't matter anymore. (:
SCHOOL'S A BOREEEEE ! I swear Ms Huda's eyesight is reallyreally shaaarp. -.- She can spot me from one end to another, chatting with my friends in the hall. Nagnagnagyadada~ is all she can say. Hohohohoho~ don't care, don't bother, don't wanna hear~ Stand jiu stand loh! ^^ !! She was glaring at me today with those threatening eyes wide opened which urges me to dig them out of their sockets, but in the end, I smiled at her and yet she rejected my friendliness and continued glaring at me. Wellwell, some people just don't wanna make friends with me, I feel so insulted. ): boohoo~ ^~^!!
Kinderjoy's toys are pathetic yet so cute( ugly + adorable. ). My toy croc parts are all seperated into 4 pieces and they were all thrown all over, somewhere in the canteen. It died.
In loving memory of my dead croc. Tell me you can spot it please. ^^
I realised this is the very first picture that I've posted on my current blog.. O:
Anyway, 7 more days to EOYs!!! Gambatehhhh~
She didn't recognise me. SHE DID NOT RECOGNIZE ME AT ALL. She gave me that creepy look as though I was a total stranger to her and didn't take a second glance back. Damn. Either way, I think I haven't changed much.. it must be that she needs more time to refresh her memory, right? o_o I'm still me afterall. It's been interesting to change my own schedule - Coming home right after school. I see new faces and best still, each time I see my primary school mates too! Like at least 3 of them per time! :D... :( But no one recognises me. Zzz. Fly! Go die! :B Hmmmph. ): Eh?.. OHOH! WAIT! YESTERDAY I SAW MENDEL AND ONLY HE RECOGNISED ME! v^0^v .. Aaaahhh, forget it, afterall, it doesn't matter anymore. (:
SCHOOL'S A BOREEEEE ! I swear Ms Huda's eyesight is reallyreally shaaarp. -.- She can spot me from one end to another, chatting with my friends in the hall. Nagnagnagyadada~ is all she can say. Hohohohoho~ don't care, don't bother, don't wanna hear~ Stand jiu stand loh! ^^ !! She was glaring at me today with those threatening eyes wide opened which urges me to dig them out of their sockets, but in the end, I smiled at her and yet she rejected my friendliness and continued glaring at me. Wellwell, some people just don't wanna make friends with me, I feel so insulted. ): boohoo~ ^~^!!
Kinderjoy's toys are pathetic yet so cute( ugly + adorable. ). My toy croc parts are all seperated into 4 pieces and they were all thrown all over, somewhere in the canteen. It died.
I realised this is the very first picture that I've posted on my current blog.. O:
Anyway, 7 more days to EOYs!!! Gambatehhhh~
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
449 - 8 days.
Browsed through all of the pictures one by one on my handphone and I'm starting to have mixed feelings however I feel more towards being upset. Each and every picture brings back those memories which has almost been forgotten. Tsk.. I can't help being so pessimistic. I'm starting to feel irritated with myself for being unable to just toss these unnecessities aside..
Anyway, today's been long with Haslinda, saw her from morning till the end, until she suddenly disappeared. Met her early in the morning, ate breakfast at mac with her till 8. Walked to school with her and reached just in time. Sweating already and sleepy, feeling grumpy at that moment of time. Had normal lessons with her beside me. Waited for Gohlayna's class to start with her in canteen. Went for the extra lesson with her, still beside me. Went outta of school with her - she disappeared. Wellwellwell, she probably went home. Hmmmph.. Yawn, today's been long, luckily Gohlayna ended her lesson 30 minutes earlier or else it would be 4.30 by then.
Pffft.. I can't stand myself. Smirk.
Browsed through all of the pictures one by one on my handphone and I'm starting to have mixed feelings however I feel more towards being upset. Each and every picture brings back those memories which has almost been forgotten. Tsk.. I can't help being so pessimistic. I'm starting to feel irritated with myself for being unable to just toss these unnecessities aside..
Anyway, today's been long with Haslinda, saw her from morning till the end, until she suddenly disappeared. Met her early in the morning, ate breakfast at mac with her till 8. Walked to school with her and reached just in time. Sweating already and sleepy, feeling grumpy at that moment of time. Had normal lessons with her beside me. Waited for Gohlayna's class to start with her in canteen. Went for the extra lesson with her, still beside me. Went outta of school with her - she disappeared. Wellwellwell, she probably went home. Hmmmph.. Yawn, today's been long, luckily Gohlayna ended her lesson 30 minutes earlier or else it would be 4.30 by then.
Pffft.. I can't stand myself. Smirk.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
School. School. School. School. School. Just school.
No more band. Which means no more heavy time killing anymore till then. ):
Spent my Saturday, Sunday like some lifeless freak because I didn't knew what to do. I'M SO SICK OF HOME!!! Tsk. Whenever I wanna start my revision or do my homework, I find myself leading myself to my bed and.. I'll sleep. X_X !!! Well, at least Monday was.... fun. Heehee. X: Shhh..
School as per normal today. Only that I pangseh-ed the rest after school and went home. Feels great. Meh~ I mean I don't feel so tired anymore. ^^ Maybe this should continue. :D And I realized something, I CAN STUDY!!! \(^0^)/ & EVERYTHING SEEMS SO EASY NOW!! X: .... I have made up my mind!! I wanna go home straight after school everyday till the EOY ends! :D Anyway, to the rest, with me or not, it doesn't make a difference, so yeah. :D Sayonara people! v^^v
Still, there's conflict going on. I pity this.. close to bald headed, small in sized schoolmate who's usually with us but now goes with another group. Things should be made clear. And FYI, I'M NOT SIDING WITH ANY OF YOU.
9 more days!
No more band. Which means no more heavy time killing anymore till then. ):
Spent my Saturday, Sunday like some lifeless freak because I didn't knew what to do. I'M SO SICK OF HOME!!! Tsk. Whenever I wanna start my revision or do my homework, I find myself leading myself to my bed and.. I'll sleep. X_X !!! Well, at least Monday was.... fun. Heehee. X: Shhh..
School as per normal today. Only that I pangseh-ed the rest after school and went home. Feels great. Meh~ I mean I don't feel so tired anymore. ^^ Maybe this should continue. :D And I realized something, I CAN STUDY!!! \(^0^)/ & EVERYTHING SEEMS SO EASY NOW!! X: .... I have made up my mind!! I wanna go home straight after school everyday till the EOY ends! :D Anyway, to the rest, with me or not, it doesn't make a difference, so yeah. :D Sayonara people! v^^v
Still, there's conflict going on. I pity this.. close to bald headed, small in sized schoolmate who's usually with us but now goes with another group. Things should be made clear. And FYI, I'M NOT SIDING WITH ANY OF YOU.
9 more days!
Friday, September 18, 2009
Hello, there's this selfish, self-centered moron that I know and that person is me.
To those I've wrongly placed judgement on and misunderstood, I'm really sorry. It's all my fault, I shouldn't have. Sorry I was so bloody blind and stupid to only realise it now. I feel so guilty inside out right now for the horrible things I've childishly said. I should've put myself in your shoes in the first place. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm really sorry, even though no matter how many times I repeat it, it doesn't exact the pain and hurt I've caused you to go through. But still, sincerly, I'm sorry.
I'm trying. Trying real hard to make things right. Trying to move out the selfishness in me. Trying to care for people around me, not only for myself. And I wanna be a better person, just as much as the 'good guy' you wanna be. I suppose no one wants to be hated. Everyone wants to see the best in any outcome. My section.. Things will change for the better. There is hope, I still see the light. No more conflicts. Just bondings. Afterall, it's what I wanna achieve. Strive for the best. Soar up high. No, way up higher.
EOY's in 13 more days. Can't wait till it's over.
To those I've wrongly placed judgement on and misunderstood, I'm really sorry. It's all my fault, I shouldn't have. Sorry I was so bloody blind and stupid to only realise it now. I feel so guilty inside out right now for the horrible things I've childishly said. I should've put myself in your shoes in the first place. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm really sorry, even though no matter how many times I repeat it, it doesn't exact the pain and hurt I've caused you to go through. But still, sincerly, I'm sorry.
I'm trying. Trying real hard to make things right. Trying to move out the selfishness in me. Trying to care for people around me, not only for myself. And I wanna be a better person, just as much as the 'good guy' you wanna be. I suppose no one wants to be hated. Everyone wants to see the best in any outcome. My section.. Things will change for the better. There is hope, I still see the light. No more conflicts. Just bondings. Afterall, it's what I wanna achieve. Strive for the best. Soar up high. No, way up higher.
EOY's in 13 more days. Can't wait till it's over.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
14 days left to the EOY examinations.
Hahahaha. Thank you, Alonzo for the scores.
Mmm.. I'm working on it. (:
Time is so merciless. Soon today will pass. Soon, tomorrow will also pass. Soon the final examinations will start. Soon my theory examinations will eventually come. AAAAAAHRHAHGHSGSGHHHGFHGHH.... It all piles up and ends up a heavy load.
Waitwait, THE YEAR END HOLIDAYS WILL SOON COME TOO..! :D.... :( Holiday? I don't think the holiday's gonna be all fun and relaxing at all. Hahaha, there's still band going on but at least there's still a break before it starts. + I think we're supposed to prepare for the outdoor competition. :D .. CAN'T WAIT!
Now that I think of it, it has been this way for many years already - I don't understand chinese! I swear whatever chinese teacher is talking about, I don't understand. When they come over to me and give me one on one talks, I can't understand. I just nod my head when something tells me I have to. And when I nod at the wrong time, they'll ask me questions and I don't know what how to reply them cos I REALLY DON'T UNDERSTAND. So I stare at them blankly and they must be thinking I'm some retard/dumbdumb.. Sigh. Funny thing is that I NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, fail my chinese, I don't understand why. And I wanna fail cos I want the teacher to move me to a CLB class. So at least I know the basics first before I move on. I remember for my previous exam, I surprisingly got a B grade for chinese and my teacher was like smiling so widely.. and according to the girl sitting beside me on that day, she was praising me.. I didn't knew what to say when she asked me something like what did I do to improve my mother tongue.. Cos I did nothing, absolutely nothing. There must be some calculation error instead.
Something about today I remember. The chinese teacher was close to tears today and I don't know why. Don't really bother. Don't know how she feels anyway. But then she changed everyone's seating arrangements and I don't think it makes any difference. Question is, why did she even change?.. Ahh~ Whatever.
I learnt that it's easier to lie to others than to yourself.
Hahahaha. Thank you, Alonzo for the scores.
Mmm.. I'm working on it. (:
Time is so merciless. Soon today will pass. Soon, tomorrow will also pass. Soon the final examinations will start. Soon my theory examinations will eventually come. AAAAAAHRHAHGHSGSGHHHGFHGHH.... It all piles up and ends up a heavy load.
Waitwait, THE YEAR END HOLIDAYS WILL SOON COME TOO..! :D.... :( Holiday? I don't think the holiday's gonna be all fun and relaxing at all. Hahaha, there's still band going on but at least there's still a break before it starts. + I think we're supposed to prepare for the outdoor competition. :D .. CAN'T WAIT!
Now that I think of it, it has been this way for many years already - I don't understand chinese! I swear whatever chinese teacher is talking about, I don't understand. When they come over to me and give me one on one talks, I can't understand. I just nod my head when something tells me I have to. And when I nod at the wrong time, they'll ask me questions and I don't know what how to reply them cos I REALLY DON'T UNDERSTAND. So I stare at them blankly and they must be thinking I'm some retard/dumbdumb.. Sigh. Funny thing is that I NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, fail my chinese, I don't understand why. And I wanna fail cos I want the teacher to move me to a CLB class. So at least I know the basics first before I move on. I remember for my previous exam, I surprisingly got a B grade for chinese and my teacher was like smiling so widely.. and according to the girl sitting beside me on that day, she was praising me.. I didn't knew what to say when she asked me something like what did I do to improve my mother tongue.. Cos I did nothing, absolutely nothing. There must be some calculation error instead.
Something about today I remember. The chinese teacher was close to tears today and I don't know why. Don't really bother. Don't know how she feels anyway. But then she changed everyone's seating arrangements and I don't think it makes any difference. Question is, why did she even change?.. Ahh~ Whatever.
I learnt that it's easier to lie to others than to yourself.
Monday, September 14, 2009
17 days to EOY. Uwaaaaaah, the clock's still ticking away as I'm typing this post.
Back to school again, aaah, the monday blues. Very annoying. Anyway, the homeroom system's back again. And that only means no more waiting in classrooms for teachers and we've to use more of energy, climbing up & down staircases, walking here and there... Exercise helps you to loose weight? Ahhh, nonsense, I don't have any weight to loose, only to gain. (8 I have always had in mind that band was a really good CCA to loose weight cos most of the practices are suicidal training so obese people should join! ^^ Dorothea... X: But today was the opposite. Less sweating. o.o More of aircon room. I swear a piccolo's damn ear piercing till your ears can bleed just listening to it for 24/7. It's either me, that I'm not used it or it's that I require breaks just playing that black, high-pitched devil. Owell, look on the brighter sight, it's as light as a feather! * Takes a deeeep breathe*, anyway, today's lifeless without that stupid ass.. Sigh.
There was a period of time in band today, I was feeling so mad. No, I was feeling so f***ed up, that's right. Hey, we're all humans and we deserve to be treated like one, not to be treated like animals or something worse. Didn't even get to explain ourselves. Whatever. Just forget it. This won't ruin my life. Forgiven. Forgotten. You're not worth my time to be angry with you anyway.
Time's wasted.
Back to school again, aaah, the monday blues. Very annoying. Anyway, the homeroom system's back again. And that only means no more waiting in classrooms for teachers and we've to use more of energy, climbing up & down staircases, walking here and there... Exercise helps you to loose weight? Ahhh, nonsense, I don't have any weight to loose, only to gain. (8 I have always had in mind that band was a really good CCA to loose weight cos most of the practices are suicidal training so obese people should join! ^^ Dorothea... X: But today was the opposite. Less sweating. o.o More of aircon room. I swear a piccolo's damn ear piercing till your ears can bleed just listening to it for 24/7. It's either me, that I'm not used it or it's that I require breaks just playing that black, high-pitched devil. Owell, look on the brighter sight, it's as light as a feather! * Takes a deeeep breathe*, anyway, today's lifeless without that stupid ass.. Sigh.
There was a period of time in band today, I was feeling so mad. No, I was feeling so f***ed up, that's right. Hey, we're all humans and we deserve to be treated like one, not to be treated like animals or something worse. Didn't even get to explain ourselves. Whatever. Just forget it. This won't ruin my life. Forgiven. Forgotten. You're not worth my time to be angry with you anyway.
Time's wasted.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
You can destroy me but you can never defeat me.
Mummy finally found out. x-x
Yesterday night was a nightmare. Same goes for today. Sigh.
Urgh. You won't understand anyway.
Everything's happening again and I'm so sick of it.
This post's really not making much sense.
I can't be straightforward. Consequences. You can't read my mind.
Get the whole story right before you come to any conclusion.
Oh. Yesterday was fine. It was fun. I think. Games were alright. Is it a crime? Does it have a problem? The weather wasn't. East Coast is infested with flies. I don't like. Yesterday was called games day. Got sunburnt. Pain. Zzzzzzz~ Now here there everywhere pain, injuries everywhere not because of yesterday... I won't emphasize any further... -.- I thought it was supposed to be fun. Yesterday's best part was when the games ended and when we were released. More rules than required. Jacq and I felt like we didn't cared about anything anymore, so we really got ourselves wet from head to toe. Close an eye. In short, we bathed with our clothes on. I don't like my uniform. Really, we were desperate to get ourselves clean at that time till it didn't occur to us on how we were gonna spend the rest of our day. All you care for is for your face. No slippers, no extra undergarments, just a simple shirt, lucky for jacq she brought her fbt shorts too, but we were still wet inside. x-x Life isn't fair. We got Jh to get us slippers and it took him almost an hour and we were standing, no, stoning there in the toilet, like some idiot just to get a pair of slippers. I won't admit. Tsk. !@#!~ Sigh. We're not bad. We've still got a HUMAN heart.
Countdown. 18 more days to EOY. (This is not for scaring you, but to remind you.)
School reopens tomorrow..
I feel that in actual reality, rules don't exist.
They're limits to things. Every action is controlled by you yourself, whether you want to do it or not, whether you dare face the consequences. For this current issue that I'm tempted to bring up, I'm hiding it still. Not that I like it. But I know it myself that the consequences, I won't like. & I wanna save my ass. Deep inside it angers me it makes me feel miserable. All I can do it hint, sarcastically to make myself feel better. A lil. Unfair. So unfair. I can't open myself. I won't. Well, I don't have a say.
Yesterday night was a nightmare. Same goes for today. Sigh.
Urgh. You won't understand anyway.
Everything's happening again and I'm so sick of it.
This post's really not making much sense.
I can't be straightforward. Consequences. You can't read my mind.
Get the whole story right before you come to any conclusion.
Oh. Yesterday was fine. It was fun. I think. Games were alright. Is it a crime? Does it have a problem? The weather wasn't. East Coast is infested with flies. I don't like. Yesterday was called games day. Got sunburnt. Pain. Zzzzzzz~ Now here there everywhere pain, injuries everywhere not because of yesterday... I won't emphasize any further... -.- I thought it was supposed to be fun. Yesterday's best part was when the games ended and when we were released. More rules than required. Jacq and I felt like we didn't cared about anything anymore, so we really got ourselves wet from head to toe. Close an eye. In short, we bathed with our clothes on. I don't like my uniform. Really, we were desperate to get ourselves clean at that time till it didn't occur to us on how we were gonna spend the rest of our day. All you care for is for your face. No slippers, no extra undergarments, just a simple shirt, lucky for jacq she brought her fbt shorts too, but we were still wet inside. x-x Life isn't fair. We got Jh to get us slippers and it took him almost an hour and we were standing, no, stoning there in the toilet, like some idiot just to get a pair of slippers. I won't admit. Tsk. !@#!~ Sigh. We're not bad. We've still got a HUMAN heart.
Countdown. 18 more days to EOY. (This is not for scaring you, but to remind you.)
School reopens tomorrow..
They're limits to things. Every action is controlled by you yourself, whether you want to do it or not, whether you dare face the consequences. For this current issue that I'm tempted to bring up, I'm hiding it still. Not that I like it. But I know it myself that the consequences, I won't like. & I wanna save my ass. Deep inside it angers me it makes me feel miserable. All I can do it hint, sarcastically to make myself feel better. A lil. Unfair. So unfair. I can't open myself. I won't. Well, I don't have a say.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
It's Wednesday! No, it's another Wednesday.
I wonder how many Wednesdays I have alreay gone through in life. Owell, skip the topic.
Watching dvds, eating junk food and lazing around the house, I think I should really do some self-study. Come to think of it, I don't have a "study friend". Mmmm.. Think I need one. Having such a lazy early morning nearly made me fogotten about band till Jonathan texted me to ask what time band was starting. Since the weather was so warm + I am not patient enough to wait for a bus, cabbed down to school and guess what, I can only enter the biiig school gate of ping yi secondary school at 1.. Mymy, the weather is hot, not warm, sigh, no choice.
Eventually time passed quicky and we were allowed to go into school. Great, then Bryan pushed me on the ground and I landed on my ass. But it was my fault, I started it. Well, I deserved it, yeah? Pain, my ass was hurting back then, really. I felt like an idiot. -.- Teared and couldn't get up and Gowtham was already falling in the band, just at that time. Thanks, Raimov, who helped me up anyway. So joined the others but somehow after awhile, people insisted that I had to fall out because I haven't fully recovered. I felt I didn't have to really, thanks for your concern though.. I mean, really, so what if I'm sick? I'm still alive? I still wanna do things. But they still insisted, oh well..
Somewhere in between the band practice, someone said I was most of the time emotionless. -_- This isn't the first time. She doesn't seem like she was joking or something. But.. True or not, I don't know, I don't see myself?.... Am I that emotionless? o.o..
Today's not so filled with sweat, sweat, and more sweat. Feels just alright for me, but too awkward though. For the past few band practices, it's been smelly and dirty, but today.. O: Anyway, I find counter marching not so tiring! :D But I've got a strong feeling after the malays finish fasting, it's gonna be more tedious. Mentally prepare myself? :p
Interesting. I've got a good feeling about outdoor.
I'll be looking forward. :D
I wonder how many Wednesdays I have alreay gone through in life. Owell, skip the topic.
Watching dvds, eating junk food and lazing around the house, I think I should really do some self-study. Come to think of it, I don't have a "study friend". Mmmm.. Think I need one. Having such a lazy early morning nearly made me fogotten about band till Jonathan texted me to ask what time band was starting. Since the weather was so warm + I am not patient enough to wait for a bus, cabbed down to school and guess what, I can only enter the biiig school gate of ping yi secondary school at 1.. Mymy, the weather is hot, not warm, sigh, no choice.
Eventually time passed quicky and we were allowed to go into school. Great, then Bryan pushed me on the ground and I landed on my ass. But it was my fault, I started it. Well, I deserved it, yeah? Pain, my ass was hurting back then, really. I felt like an idiot. -.- Teared and couldn't get up and Gowtham was already falling in the band, just at that time. Thanks, Raimov, who helped me up anyway. So joined the others but somehow after awhile, people insisted that I had to fall out because I haven't fully recovered. I felt I didn't have to really, thanks for your concern though.. I mean, really, so what if I'm sick? I'm still alive? I still wanna do things. But they still insisted, oh well..
Somewhere in between the band practice, someone said I was most of the time emotionless. -_- This isn't the first time. She doesn't seem like she was joking or something. But.. True or not, I don't know, I don't see myself?.... Am I that emotionless? o.o..
Today's not so filled with sweat, sweat, and more sweat. Feels just alright for me, but too awkward though. For the past few band practices, it's been smelly and dirty, but today.. O: Anyway, I find counter marching not so tiring! :D But I've got a strong feeling after the malays finish fasting, it's gonna be more tedious. Mentally prepare myself? :p
Interesting. I've got a good feeling about outdoor.
I'll be looking forward. :D
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
I'm gonna be biten in the ass hard by karma sooner or later.
I really felt like going up to --- and say
" ***k me sorry i am a bitch will you please forgive me? FOR THIS ONCE? "
Sorry still cant bring myself to speak to ---. What was I thinking? -.-
I can die of embarrassment.
I hate the feeling of hurting someone. Sometimes it's inevitable, but..
Anyway, today's a pretty sulky day after 6hrs of sleep last night. phew, I'm beat.
I'm gonna be biten in the ass hard by karma sooner or later.
I really felt like going up to --- and say
" ***k me sorry i am a bitch will you please forgive me? FOR THIS ONCE? "
Sorry still cant bring myself to speak to ---. What was I thinking? -.-
I can die of embarrassment.
I hate the feeling of hurting someone. Sometimes it's inevitable, but..
Anyway, today's a pretty sulky day after 6hrs of sleep last night. phew, I'm beat.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Is it more important to know what to do in a given situation rather than to get upset over it? Ahh, shut up, I just go with the flow~ Answers will show somehow. :D
I sound like a duck right now. o,o * Quack * - I lost my voice. ToT
Feels so miserable, today's the 4th day of being ill but my temperature's up and down. It can go as normal as 36°C and reach up to 40°C but I'm still feeling so hyperrrrr...... which doesn't lasts for long and I realised that it's my hyperness that makes my temperature go up. T_T So I have to limit myself from being happy? NUUU~ I WON'T LET IT STOP ME. >:D Anyway, I think a lot of my brain cells were burnt, I find myself stupider after maths class today. ): If I continue this way, I'd be a real retard for sure.... O: WEEELLLLL, AS LONG AS I'M STILL ALIVEEEE... :D UWAHAHAHAHAHAHAA! v^~^v
Oh, yes, marked the field with some icky yucky black substance, oil. Jacq and I contributed a smaaaaallll part of it oh-kay? Still, got people come kpkb say that we stay there do nothing. Eh? Something = Nothing? Worse case, when we were ready to get our hands dirty, I received a sacarstic remark......... WHYYYYYY, THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH! ^~^ He even said something like " those who are here to help out, stay, those who are here for nothing, go away. " Then he glared at us. So I shot back at him luh. " Oh? you mean me? " .. He bwg. Tsk, not fun one.. ): Pfffftt, I'm just glad he's not one of them anymore. heh. After that, buey tahan the oil, so zhao.
Gohlayna's class at two. I SWEAR SHE'S MAD! She has MANYMANY EXTRA CLASSES FOR HER STUDENTS! I think it's the aftereffect of obtaining the caring teacher award. D': SHE'S CRAZYYYYY!! I THINK INSTEAD OF A CARING TEACHER AWARD, SHE WANTS THE ' MOST CARING TEACHER AWARD " !!!! But doncha think it's too exaggerated?!? D: I mean her maths extra classes schedule states MONDAY - THURSDAY, 0800 - 1700... EVERYDAY!!! ........................ caring... too caring. I wonder what Miss Goh's actually made of.. /: -*-* Robot..
Holiday isn't a holiday at all, I still have to go to school everyday except Sunday.
Edited @ 8:31PM.
Just saw Malik's tag and it reminded me THAT I PLAYED HIS TBONE WHEN I WAS HAVING A FEVER! Poor Malik. I guess he played it too after me but the virus was still there. ): So he fell ill and had all my symptoms. :D First, sorethroat, headache, fever, muscle cramp, high fever, HUAHAHHAHHAHAHHAAAAA! He's having his 'N' levels! O: !!! O: !!!! He's doing his examinations in isolation thanks to meeeeeee! :D and my virus ! :D Don't blame me ! Blame his own body from being unable to withstand the virus! ^^v UWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
I sound like a duck right now. o,o * Quack * - I lost my voice. ToT
Feels so miserable, today's the 4th day of being ill but my temperature's up and down. It can go as normal as 36°C and reach up to 40°C but I'm still feeling so hyperrrrr...... which doesn't lasts for long and I realised that it's my hyperness that makes my temperature go up. T_T So I have to limit myself from being happy? NUUU~ I WON'T LET IT STOP ME. >:D Anyway, I think a lot of my brain cells were burnt, I find myself stupider after maths class today. ): If I continue this way, I'd be a real retard for sure.... O: WEEELLLLL, AS LONG AS I'M STILL ALIVEEEE... :D UWAHAHAHAHAHAHAA! v^~^v
Oh, yes, marked the field with some icky yucky black substance, oil. Jacq and I contributed a smaaaaallll part of it oh-kay? Still, got people come kpkb say that we stay there do nothing. Eh? Something = Nothing? Worse case, when we were ready to get our hands dirty, I received a sacarstic remark......... WHYYYYYY, THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH! ^~^ He even said something like " those who are here to help out, stay, those who are here for nothing, go away. " Then he glared at us. So I shot back at him luh. " Oh? you mean me? " .. He bwg. Tsk, not fun one.. ): Pfffftt, I'm just glad he's not one of them anymore. heh. After that, buey tahan the oil, so zhao.
Gohlayna's class at two. I SWEAR SHE'S MAD! She has MANYMANY EXTRA CLASSES FOR HER STUDENTS! I think it's the aftereffect of obtaining the caring teacher award. D': SHE'S CRAZYYYYY!! I THINK INSTEAD OF A CARING TEACHER AWARD, SHE WANTS THE ' MOST CARING TEACHER AWARD " !!!! But doncha think it's too exaggerated?!? D: I mean her maths extra classes schedule states MONDAY - THURSDAY, 0800 - 1700... EVERYDAY!!! ........................ caring... too caring. I wonder what Miss Goh's actually made of.. /: -*-* Robot..
Holiday isn't a holiday at all, I still have to go to school everyday except Sunday.
Edited @ 8:31PM.
Just saw Malik's tag and it reminded me THAT I PLAYED HIS TBONE WHEN I WAS HAVING A FEVER! Poor Malik. I guess he played it too after me but the virus was still there. ): So he fell ill and had all my symptoms. :D First, sorethroat, headache, fever, muscle cramp, high fever, HUAHAHHAHHAHAHHAAAAA! He's having his 'N' levels! O: !!! O: !!!! He's doing his examinations in isolation thanks to meeeeeee! :D and my virus ! :D Don't blame me ! Blame his own body from being unable to withstand the virus! ^^v UWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
I enjoy solitary moments.
How do you like it to be greeted either way, cynically, sarcastically, or with a dismaying cold silence? Believe it or not, that any moment, everything can change. In an instance you can loose everything and that's when you start cherishing. I've learnt how important it is to reflect.... I think I'm going mad if carry on ranting..
I'm tired, I'M SO TIRED, I AM SO TIRED. And annoyed.
Excused for piano lessons, excused for the history/geography/NLB educational trip. I skipped them all, just to go to the airport - Jianhao's off to China. Well, I'm having many mixed thoughts about today, I mean, one question, DID I JUST WASTED MY TIME TODAY? Tsktsk. I think sleeping would've been a much better. (: Oh, by the way, recently I've been falling asleep in classes and when I wake up, my table would be wet... ^o^v HEHEHEHE! i d-roo-ooled~ X:
Today's annoucement included the list of classes for being punctual all day and 202 seized a part of it. Hahaha, WOW-IE! I remember at the start of the year I had a habit of being late almost everyday. Every morning I would stroll to the main gate of PYSS, thinking selfishly to myself that everything's fine, regardless. What's important now's that I don't have the same mentality anymore. Anyway, I'm somehow satisfied with my effortless results and I know deep down what I can actually achieve. (: I'm glad, that's all.
A few band practices back, my keyboard clipper snapped and broke while we were packing for the combined session in the music room. Yeah, a lil disappointed but I had to let it go since we were already rushing.. But, guess what, something made me smile like a semi-retard today. To my surprise, I met Sayidah and Siti along the corridor somewhere today and that ass passed me a new keyboard clipper. Hahahaha. Thanks soooo much, it's so sweet of you people. These people just make my day. (: Sometimes, I feel blessed for knowing that there're still people out there that care. I'd really like to thank everyone sincerly for everything, even for all the shit. Thanks again. :D
How do you like it to be greeted either way, cynically, sarcastically, or with a dismaying cold silence? Believe it or not, that any moment, everything can change. In an instance you can loose everything and that's when you start cherishing. I've learnt how important it is to reflect.... I think I'm going mad if carry on ranting..
I'm tired, I'M SO TIRED, I AM SO TIRED. And annoyed.
Excused for piano lessons, excused for the history/geography/NLB educational trip. I skipped them all, just to go to the airport - Jianhao's off to China. Well, I'm having many mixed thoughts about today, I mean, one question, DID I JUST WASTED MY TIME TODAY? Tsktsk. I think sleeping would've been a much better. (: Oh, by the way, recently I've been falling asleep in classes and when I wake up, my table would be wet... ^o^v HEHEHEHE! i d-roo-ooled~ X:
Today's annoucement included the list of classes for being punctual all day and 202 seized a part of it. Hahaha, WOW-IE! I remember at the start of the year I had a habit of being late almost everyday. Every morning I would stroll to the main gate of PYSS, thinking selfishly to myself that everything's fine, regardless. What's important now's that I don't have the same mentality anymore. Anyway, I'm somehow satisfied with my effortless results and I know deep down what I can actually achieve. (: I'm glad, that's all.
A few band practices back, my keyboard clipper snapped and broke while we were packing for the combined session in the music room. Yeah, a lil disappointed but I had to let it go since we were already rushing.. But, guess what, something made me smile like a semi-retard today. To my surprise, I met Sayidah and Siti along the corridor somewhere today and that ass passed me a new keyboard clipper. Hahahaha. Thanks soooo much, it's so sweet of you people. These people just make my day. (: Sometimes, I feel blessed for knowing that there're still people out there that care. I'd really like to thank everyone sincerly for everything, even for all the shit. Thanks again. :D
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